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Help Saving Rock !!!!

Skrevet af Indlæg
Maiden Denmark
Debat: 4923 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 01-01-2000

Dear Gods of Metal and metalfans all around the world,

I come to you with a special request.

Denizen, a Belgian metalband, takes part in a contest on Radio Studio Brussel (Belgium). The jury compares them with The Darkness and Iron Maiden and writes that they are great musicians and have written a great number. But rock and metal isn't 'cool' and 'sexy' in Belgium. The jury has given them only 11 % . But they can still win the contest!!! The public is voting massively for them and they are at the first place in the top3 of the public. But the need lots of more votes because 1 vote of the public only counts for only 11% . Does your rock and metal heart bleed when they condemn our beloved music? Then please, help Denizen in collecting more votes. You can vote for them at : You choose Denizen, fill in your emailadres and push the 'stem'button. Caution: StudioBrussel will send you a returnmail. If you click on the link in the mail, your vote is legal, otherwise it doesn't count!
Dear rock and metalfans, help Denizen and help to give rock and metal his place back on the radio that it deserves!
Denizen and a lot of rock and metalfans are very gratefull!
You can find out more about Denizen at:
28-01-2004 10:44

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