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Cliveaid 2008

Skrevet af Indlæg
Carsten Rosenkrantz

Debat: 383 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 21-10-2003

CliveAid, the organization named after former Iron Maiden drummer Clive Burr who is suffering from multiple sclerosis, has issued the following update:

"We would like to introduce you to our newest friend here at Cliveaid. Pat Cash the tennis ace has agreed to join Cliveaid. We are building a team of high profile sports people to help us with some very exciting events for 2008. Pat works very hard for charities all over the world so we are very pleased he has agreed to join our ever growing circle of friends."

Upcoming CliveAid events include August 22nd in Hollywood, CA (featuring Ronny Munroe Project, Leatherwolf, Huck Johns, My Evolution, Cruel) and March 30th, 2008 in Bergen, Norway (featuring Sahg, Thunderbolt, Krakow, Cat Call, Cruel, The Batallion).

17-07-2007 15:06

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