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Bruce vs. Sharon Osbourn...

Skrevet af Indlæg

Debat: 289 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 07-12-2003

Se det her:

Lyder temmelig plat efter min mening!
21-08-2005 18:53

Debat: 1137 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 01-11-2003


Bruce rant 1

Bruce rant 2
21-08-2005 19:47

Debat: 5304 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 05-06-2002

Ja det er sku vildt når sådan noget sker,men det er jo Ozzfest og sharon er sku også lidt skør.

Jeg ville sku gerne ha været der,det kunne ha været sjovt at se,men mon ikke der vil kommer en pirat video af koncerten hvis vi er heldige.
21-08-2005 21:17

Debat: 5304 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 05-06-2002

Det lader til at det er den lille fede kelly også har noget at gøre i denne sag.

Her fra en fan i pitten:

"Dette er omkring 10minutter før Maiden går på,Jeg var lige i midten af pitten,kun få meter fra scenen,da en gut kommer brasene frem fra højre side med 4-5 mensker.

Først siger jeg til ham at han skal skride da jeg tror at han vil stjæle min plads,men han siger at han arbejder for ozzfest og viser sit ozzfest pass.
Han siger også at ozzy´s datter var med ham.Der var nogle piger med ham og en af dem kunne godt ligne kelly Osbourne,men det var svært at se da de alle havde bandanaer over deres næser og munde.
Efter at høre hende tale var jeg rimlig sikker,så jeg prikker hende på armen og siger,Jeg kunne rigtigt godt lide dig i showet,du var rigtig god'og hun svarer,Tak skal du ha.Og så var jeg sikker på at det var hende.

Deres bodyguard som kom sammen med dem starter med at være venlig mod os da han har brug for lidt hjælp med at beskytte pigerne mod alt den masen der ville komme når Maiden ville komme på scenen.

Jeg så en pige dele æg ud,og sage hvad er de til?. bodyguarden sage så,Det vil du komme til at se.
Noget stort vil ske og du vil høre om det alle steder efter iaften.
Det handler om at Bruce Dickinson kom med nogle dårlige komentarer om The Ozzborne´s show i Detroit.
Han sage også at der var omkring 60 mensker i pitten som lavede ballade og de alle bar den samme ozzfest tshrit.
Før Maiden kom på skreg de alle ozzy ozzy og der så jeg at Bruce stod i siden af scenen og sage what the fuck-måske fordi at de stod der og skreg på ozzy.

"Da Maiden kommer på scenen begynder der at flyve med æg og Nicko må stoppe efter 1 sang for at rengører sit trommesæt.

Det er en skør verden vi lever i.
21-08-2005 22:18

Debat: 95 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 09-08-2004

Sådan kan man da ik behandle Iron Maiden.
22-08-2005 08:04

Debat: 308 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 4 indlæg
Medlem siden: 02-07-2004

What the F..K is going on.....

Jamen så er the osbournes altså lige så tåbelige i virkeligheden som i deres lige så tåbelige show på Mtv...

22-08-2005 08:28

Debat: 683 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 1 indlæg
Medlem siden: 11-03-2004

Det er et åndsvagt at gøre sådan noget... Hvad sker der man kasteg sgu da ikke ting efter folk på scenen..... Det er sgu da noget svineri...
22-08-2005 12:57

Debat: 1217 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 26-02-2004

"Steve Harris [Iron Maiden's bassist] personally came to Ozzy in San Bernardino and apologized for Bruce’s behavior this summer, stating that he and the rest of the band were "embarrassed" by their own singer"

22-08-2005 14:20

Debat: 308 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 4 indlæg
Medlem siden: 02-07-2004

year right.....
22-08-2005 15:00
Engin Kurt

Debat: 240 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 09-09-2003

Hvad fanden er det for noget, han skal da ikke undskylde for en skid. Bruce siger da bare sandheden og jeg kunne ikke være mere enig med ham.

Hvad den fede sæk til Kelly Osbourne angår, så håber jeg at hun ender som en grøntsag ligesom farmand. Det kan man sku da ikke byde kongerne. Der findes noget der hedder respekt, men det har hun åbenbart ikke lært noget af i den sindsyge familie hun kommer fra.
22-08-2005 17:25

Debat: 355 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 15-10-2003

hmmm hmm fuck ozzy og hans skæve familie..Bruce og Maiden styrer uanset hvad..Ville sq også have svinet dem til hvis det var mig *gg*...Kan jo være at Bruce endnu engang har svinet diverse boybands til og det blev nok for meget for dem *gg*
22-08-2005 19:18

Debat: 1137 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 01-11-2003

The last shit on the ozzfest "icident"

OZZFEST, Hang Your Head In Shame: The Backstage Perspective - Aug. 22, 2005
The manager of a well-known heavy metal band (*NOT* IRON MAIDEN) who attended this past weekend's Ozzfest show at the Hyundai Pavillion in Devore, California has submitted the following first-hand account of the evening that will surely go down as one of the most shameful moments in recent rock history (NOTE: at his request, the author's identity is being protected by BLABBERMOUTH.NET):

"Saturday night's Ozzfest at the Hyundai Pavillion near Los Angeles was a debacle on so many levels, I am still in shock as I write this. As a fan of many of the bands [Saturday] night, one can only hope this was an isolated incident, but sadly, it most likely wasn't. As many of you have heard already, co-headliners and metal legends IRON MAIDEN were pelted with eggs, bottle caps, beer cups, spit on, had people from the Ozzfest camp talking over the PA during their set, had 'Eddie' delayed from his onstage entrance, had members of the [BLACK LABEL SOCIETY] entourage rush the stage with American flags, and had the PA intentionally turned off over 6 times, all by the OSBOURNE CAMP.

"While it's still unclear as to the exact reasons why the terrorizing started (rumors abounded as to why, with everything from Bruce calling out Ozzy in the U.K. rock magazine Kerrang! on the widely known fact that Ozzy uses a teleprompter, to various vague references said on stage about a 'reality show' at an Ozzfest stop in Detroit), one thing was very clear: The whole thing stunk, and left me, and nearly all of the 40,000+ heavy metal fans in attendance angered and disappointed. Not that behind the scenes bickering or magazine trash talking is anything new to rock fans, but the shocking lack of professionalism at one of the largest stops in North America in front of 40,000 + spectators, at the hand of the Osbournes was nothing short of disgusting.

"It all began early in the afternoon, when many side stage bands were openly approached in clear view of everyone backstage by Sharon and Kelly Osbourne to 'join them in throwing eggs at IRON MAIDEN this evening.' All the bands were encouraged to rally the other side stage bands to do so. Members and/or friends of the hardcore band BURY YOUR DEAD were seen actively trying to encourage other side stage bands to 'join in the fun.' Thankfully, many side stage bands angrily declined.

"Later that evening, as IRON MAIDEN came on stage, their intro was interrupted by [BLACK LABEL SOCIETY] hanger-on and biker wannabe Big Dave, who was at the soundboard loudly chanting 'Ozzy, Ozzy' over the PA. MAIDEN opened their set and the entire band was pelted from the front row with eggs, beer, beer cups, spit, and various other objects by an Ozzfest-credentialed, bandana-wearing, Osbourne entourage. IRON MAIDEN, ever the professionals, continued through their set, and by the time they launched into their second song, 'The Trooper', Bruce changed into a civil war-era, red coat and began waving a Union Jack — British flag. Then, someone in, or associated with, BLACK LABEL SOCIETY tried to rush the stage waving and American Flag with the words 'Don't fuck with Ozzy' scrawled across his bare chest. He was tackled and beaten by MAIDEN crew and promptly thrown off stage.

"As 'The Trooper' ended, frontman Bruce Dickinson, with characteristic spunk, launched into a scathing attack on the people terrorizing his band, calling them 'a sorry excuse for an Ozzy Osbourne fan,' and wondering aloud how, 'three dozen eggs could get snuck into the front row of Ozzfest by people with Ozzfest laminates?' Though he never named names, all in attendance could understand who he was referring to. Nicko McBrain ran up to the front asking Bruce to hold on while he cleaned egg off his drums. He then stated the the next song wouldn't be heard on 'Your local cocksucking corporate radio station, wouldn't be seen on MTV anymore, and sure as hell wouldn't be played on a fucking reality TV show,' met by a huge roar from the crowd.

"During the song 'Hallowed Be Thy Name', Bruce, after only the first two lines, stopped singing and ran to the front row, firing back at his terrorizers, saying 'That asswipe right there, with the curly hair, the fucking glasses, and Ozzfest laminate throw his fucking ass out of here right now. It's gonna take more than eggs to stop IRON MAIDEN, and if it wasn't for a lawsuit, I'd rip your fucking head off right now, you piece of shit!!!!' He had the various attackers ejected and continued with a blistering version of the song until right before the big sing long at the end, the PA was INTENTIONALLY cut off. When it came back, Bruce launched into another scathing attack saying that they were supposed to play a shorter set than normal today, and only play 55 minutes, but IRON MAIDEN can't drive 55, or play 55, and were going to play our whole fucking set tonight.

"The band endured six more 'PA cuts,' including having the power to their amps turned off at one point. When the PA would come back on, they would simply launch into the next IRON MAIDEN classic, never missing a beat. Frankly, with every PA cut, the band just got meaner and meaner, playing each new song with an anger and a fire that was at times, simply astonishing to watch. Bruce began the introduction to IRON MAIDEN with a speech about 'Your constitution has something about 'We The People.' Well let me tell you, the only reason we are up here tolerating this bullshit, is because of you people. You have been amazing Glen Helen, and there are A LOT of IRON MAIDEN fans here tonight,' eliciting a huge roar from the crowd. He continued, 'It's gonna take more than eggs to stop IRON MAIDEN, NOTHING is going to come between us and our fans, and it will be death before dishonor, this is 'Iron fucking Maiden',' which was greeted by a thunderous applause. During 'Iron Maiden', longtime MAIDEN mascot Eddie was purposely delayed from making his entrance, making a brief appearance at the end, and one could only wonder as to how. As the band closed there set with a furious version of 'Sanctuary', the PA was again cut only to have Big Dave repeatedly chant 'Ozzy' over the PA, while the band tried to say goodbye to their fans. The now-furious crowd angrily drowned him out with chants of 'MAIDEN, MAIDEN.'

"Then, not 10 seconds after MAIDEN left the stage, Sharon Osbourne walked on stage and predictably, tried to give MAIDEN some fake, half-hearted praise about how they'd like to 'thank IRON MAIDEN,' and what a wonderful band IRON MAIDEN are, and how their crew were 'fantastic,' then sneering, 'But Bruce Dickinson is a prick.' The entire crowd, now fed up with the entire affair, began loudly booing her, pelting her with beer cups, and yelling 'bitch.' She tried to carry on, adding that 'Bruce had disrespected Ozzfest,' only to be drowned out by an ocean of boos, and soaked with beer. She slammed the microphone down and stormed off stage. Many in the crowd, fed up with what they had just witnessed, especially considering that many had come solely for MAIDEN, and paid upwards of $150 to do so, left in droves. SABBATH played to maybe half the audience that was there prior, and seemed stagnate compared to the band preceding them. As a huge fan of SABBATH, I honestly couldn't stand to watch them.

"I've seen IRON MAIDEN probably 10 times in my life, and frankly this was the very best IRON MAIDEN show I've had the pleasure of witnessing. You DON'T want to fuck with IRON MAIDEN. The more the Osbournes tried to fuck with them, the better they got! IRON MAIDEN was on fucking overdrive! Considering the amount of terrorizing and intimidation that IRON MAIDEN had to deal with at the hands of the Osbournes and the other side stage and main stage bands participating, they were the consummate professionals. They had the crowd in the palms of their hands, and IRON MAIDEN and Bruce Dickinson proved beyond a shadow of a doubt why they are the greatest metal band on earth right now, and quite possibly, the classiest, too.

"The Osbournes are drunk with power. Shame on them, and shame on ANY of the bands that participated in the terrorizing and intimidation. It was disgusting display, that NO BAND should have had to endure, but especially a legend like IRON MAIDEN. That fact that it happened in front of 40,000+ people, at a Clear Channel-sponsored event, while Hyundai Pavilion Security turned a blind eye and let the Osbourne camp pelt one of the main headlining bands with eggs, beer, and spit, was simply inexcusable.

"I will proudly be attending next year's MAIDEN fest, and as much as I hate to say it, I can't bring myself to spend another dime on the Osbournes.

"Ozzfest, hang your head in shame."

23-08-2005 08:25
Ole Foget

Debat: 6059 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 2 indlæg
Medlem siden: 13-02-2002

23-08-2005 10:47

Debat: 289 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 07-12-2003

Haha, good one Ole...
23-08-2005 11:36

Debat: 683 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 1 indlæg
Medlem siden: 11-03-2004

Det er lidt noget lort.. Hvad har de imod maiden hva'? Har ikke helt fået fat i hvad Maiden har gjort...
23-08-2005 13:52
Jens Dahlgaard

Debat: 451 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 1 indlæg
Medlem siden: 28-08-2001

Mere fra (Ikke pæne ord om Bruce)
August 21, 2005

Iron Maiden were chosen for the Ozzfest tour because the Ozzfest committee felt they were a good band, plus the fact that they had not done shows in the U.S. for some time. From day one, Bruce Dickinson started berating Ozzy and belittling the Ozzfest audience. He stated he"didn’t need a reality show to give him credibility"; "we're not just some f*cking reunion band"; and continuously complained about the sound system, saying that when he comes back to America he’ll have a better one. I understand he hasn’t toured in the these size venues in a while and no longer understands the political structure of things. Out of 200-plus bands over the last 10 years, he has been the only person who hasn’t had the Ozzfest spirit. He thought he was at a battle of the bands, always making other comments about the other artists.

Might I say, the rest of the band are gentlemen and have a great professional attitude. The crew are absolutely great. But how sad it was, after 10 years, that this little man tried to ruin it for everyone. The bands of Ozzfest don’t even look at Ozzfest as touring, but as its heavy metal summer camp. Bruce is in fact a jealous prick and very envious. None of his tirades were directed at Sabbath, only Ozzy. Steve Harris [Iron Maiden's bassist] personally came to Ozzy in San Bernardino and apologized for Bruce’s behavior this summer, stating that he and the rest of the band were "embarrassed" by their own singer.
It also offended me every night how he took out the English flag in America. There are American boys going to war alongside the English boys every day. How dare he forget the American troops on their home turf. He has had no respect for the American audience he has been playing for, stating in an interview, "When you do the 'hits' tour here [in the U.S.], the audience is smug, and there's a sense of self-satisfaction, like, 'We got what we wanted…I'm looking at an audience that is self-satisfied and happy and fat, and getting what it wants and isn't prepared to get off its ass.."

Before there was Samson there was SABBATH!

Ozzfest 2005 continues on with our summer of fun with the addition of Velvet Revolver. This is where the fun begins…..
23-08-2005 13:58

Debat: 95 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 09-08-2004

Nu ved jeg ik lige i hvilken anledning Maiden ville bruge det engelske flag i... Men hvis det var da de spillede The Trooper kan jeg sgu ik forstå hvorfor fanden de/vedkommende beklager sig...? Jeg har aldrig set The Trooper live uden de brugte den engelske fane!!

Men det kan også være at jeg helt galt på den...
23-08-2005 15:06

Debat: 308 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 4 indlæg
Medlem siden: 02-07-2004


Check lige Ole's link.... lige min smag

23-08-2005 15:26

Debat: 365 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 04-07-2005

Ved ikke om I andre kan få Tinas link til at virke, men ellers er lydfilerne her via et andet link (+ billeder af lidt æg...)

Modent hva ??
23-08-2005 15:50

Debat: 289 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 07-12-2003

Quote: Madsser
Nu ved jeg ik lige i hvilken anledning Maiden ville bruge det engelske flag i... Men hvis det var da de spillede The Trooper kan jeg sgu ik forstå hvorfor fanden de/vedkommende beklager sig...? Jeg har aldrig set The Trooper live uden de brugte den engelske fane!! Men det kan også være at jeg helt galt på den... :)

Det var i forbindelse med The Trooper... Det virker helt til grin, hvilken sammenhæng ville der være med The Trooper og det amerikanske flag? Sangen bygger jo netop på et engelsk slag eller sådan noget, hvis jeg har forstået det ret... Der er jo en grund til at Bruce skifter til soldateruniform eller det der ligner!

Stupid fucks... Men AL respekt til Maiden, der spillede deres sæt færdigt alligevel og (næsten) ikke lod sig påvirke...
23-08-2005 16:33

Debat: 1296 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 09-09-2003

Quote: Ole Foget :metal:

ha ha den bruger jeg som baggrunds billede de næste par dage
23-08-2005 19:48

Debat: 1202 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 05-08-2004

Quote: iver
ha ha den bruger jeg som baggrunds billede de næste par dage :metal:

Jeg gør det samme hehe
23-08-2005 19:53

Debat: 5304 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 05-06-2002

ROD har ordet:

Maiden are currently returning from America and preparing for UK festivals this weekend and don't wish to waste time giving Sharon Osbourne's statement the dignity of a reply. Considering the disgraceful nature of the events that occurred they feel it's a pretty dismal effort at self justification and they don't think Metal fans are at all gullible and that they will easily see through it. They want no more to do with this sorry incident and are very much looking forward to headlining Reading and Leeds Festivals this weekend.

I would however like to add my own comment on this.

In 30 years in this business and after attending hundreds of gigs l have never seen anything anywhere near as disgusting and unprofessional as what went on that night. I was standing on our sound desk out front as usual but ran to the stage as soon as the hail of missiles began and from then on watched from the front of the stage right next to Bruce's walkway. The scale, viciousness and concentration of the throwing made it obvious that this was a premeditated and co-ordinated attack. Assaulting musicians while performing by throwing bottle tops, lighters and eggs at them from just a few yards away is vile, dangerous, criminal and cowardly. It is incredible that Ozzfest security apparently did nothing about it - aren't they there to protect the bands too? Especially when the band is concentrating on a performance in front of 45,000 people and the missiles are coming out of the glare of the spotlights. And to spit at a band on stage is unforgivable.

Iron Maiden, like all the bands on Ozzfest, had to sign quite onerous legal documents part of which was promising not to throw anything into the audience, even wristbands!!! Ironic isn't it.

It is well documented on the web who was responsible for planning and participating in this attack and for musicians to join in this assault on other musicians is a shocking disgrace akin to treachery. You should all be thoroughly ashamed of yourselves.

We know who authorised the making of the 'ozzy - ozzy' chant tape the day before and how it was played secretly through the PA at the very beginning and end of our set.

We also know who continually turned off the power interrupting our set at crucial moments. It is a good thing that the power was turned back on before there was a riot as you could sense on stage a lot of the huge audience were getting totally pissed off at this continual onslaught on the band.

The great majority of the Ozzfest crew throughout the tour were terrific and we thank them. Those who participated or stood idly by and watched as this all went down should also be ashamed of themselves and l would certainly hope they never come near a tour with which we are involved.

There is little point in my commenting on the chap with the flag or their trying to hold up Eddie or Sharon's speech as the audience made their feelings very clear on each occasion.

And in the end what was all this about?? If l had any sort of problem or misunderstanding with a band working on a tour we were involved in l would go and talk to them or their manager - not wait until the end of a tour and assault and ambush them. Or was that really it?

I find it staggering that this ambush would take place in front of any audience, let alone in San Bernardino, the biggest audience of the tour. Didn't that audience merit any consideration? They pay an awful lot to be there in terms of prices for tickets, parking, food, beer etc. Surely if they spend this sort of money they deserve to watch the bands they paid to see be able to put in a full unhindered performance. Free of danger and intimidation. If I had paid I would ask for my money back!

And this audience really were outstanding, giving the band incredible support and many voting with their feet in disgust after the set and the speech, which to many was the final insult.

I have to say l was immensely proud of Maiden who stood up to it all and showed great courage and just got better and better through the adversity. Their heads never dropped, instead they went on the offensive. It was a truly memorable moment when Bruce went to the very front of the stage during Trooper - something which he never normally does as he is usually on the ramps - waving the flag whilst avoiding the hail of missiles and yelling 'This is a fucking British flag, and these colours don't fucking run!'. The imperturbable attitude and ability of the band shone through and in the end made this a truly remarkable rock and roll event, even if for all the wrong reasons.

We will have no more to say on this matter except that l do think the band deserve an apology from a number of people, and you know who you are.


23-08-2005 20:19

Debat: 355 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 15-10-2003

Sådan ROD
23-08-2005 23:02
Ole Foget

Debat: 6059 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 2 indlæg
Medlem siden: 13-02-2002

Billeder fra showet:

24-08-2005 00:12

Debat: 1217 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 26-02-2004

Hvad mon der går gennem hans hovede der?
24-08-2005 08:03

Debat: 1137 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 01-11-2003
24-08-2005 13:13
Casper Mortensen

Debat: 758 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 23-04-2002

P3 støtter Bruce, de gav sharon managers email, og sagde at folk skulle skrive til om og svine sharon til og sådan noget, og det sagde de 3 gange idag, det synes jeg sku er godt gjort af dansk radio
24-08-2005 20:48
Love Gun

Debat: 182 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 09-11-2003

Da jeg læste hvad der er foregået blev jeg oprigtig rasende. Små højrøvede mærkelige Amerikanere. Deres små selvretfærdige tyggegummi hjerner har overgået dem selv i deres totale tåbelighed. INGEN behandler Maiden sådan. INGEN!

Det er en skandale. Jeg kan ikke forestille mig at Ozzy selv har nogen interesse i det der er foregået. Han virker på mig som et reelt menneske, med reele hensigter, fra en reel baggrund. Det er hans hjernedøde og overforkælede og selvforelskede familie og folkene omkring ham.

Jeg er oprevet og meget pinlig på deres vegne.

Bruce og bandet tacklede situationen så forbandet cool! Det her er for sejt!

"when Bruce went to the very front of the stage during Trooper - something which he never normally does as he is usually on the ramps - waving the flag whilst avoiding the hail of missiles and yelling 'This is a fucking British flag, and these colours don't fucking run!'."

Det er heavy metal - det er den gode stil!


Vi ses fredag.

25-08-2005 02:11

Debat: 95 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 09-08-2004

Sagde han det...? HA!! Sådan skal det fandeme lyde Bruce!!! For satan da det er sgu lige før man er stolt over at være Maiden-fan! Eller jeg ER sgu stolt over det!!!!!
25-08-2005 08:55

Debat: 803 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 10-06-2003

De vidste det også lige på MTV news i går. og i morges klokken 7. så i kan nok se det i løbet af dagen. Det er vidst første gang i hundrede år de har vist Maiden på MTV! MTV
25-08-2005 09:51
Ole Foget

Debat: 6059 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 2 indlæg
Medlem siden: 13-02-2002

Det sjoveste ved det her er, at Maiden får så meget opmærksomhed og (de fleste steder) positiv omtale, at de sikekrt skaffer sig flere og mere hard-core fans på det... Og at $haron Osbourne, hendes retarderede afkom og deres medsammensvorne, bliver sat i så dårligt lys, at det ikke kan undgå at komme til at berøre dem økonomisk i sidste ende.
25-08-2005 09:54

Debat: 702 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 04-12-2003

Quote: Ole Foget
Det sjoveste ved det her er, at Maiden får så meget opmærksomhed og (de fleste steder) positiv omtale, at de sikekrt skaffer sig flere og mere hard-core fans på det... Og at $haron Osbourne, hendes retarderede afkom og deres medsammensvorne, bliver sat i så dårligt lys, at det ikke kan undgå at komme til at berøre dem økonomisk i sidste ende.

Lige præcis!
25-08-2005 10:45
Ole Foget

Debat: 6059 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 2 indlæg
Medlem siden: 13-02-2002

Interview med Bruce fra i søndags...
Masser af info, og også lidt om OzzPest begivenheden.,,5-2005390557,,00.html
26-08-2005 13:37

Debat: 308 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 4 indlæg
Medlem siden: 02-07-2004

Så er der gang i den i de danske aviser osse, ja denne lille ting mellem Osbourne og Maiden er kommet i sådanne højder at de danske aviser er begyndt at skrive, her er et lille citat fra søndagsavisens bagside -

Sharon i metalkrig
Der er udbrudt krig i heavy metal-land. Fans af Iron Maiden raser på Sharon Osbourne, fordi hun angiveligt har vanværet bandet. Det begymdte ellers festligt på Ozzfest koncerten i Devore i Californien forleden. Men da drengene fra Iron Maiden indtog scenen, blev de overdænget af æg, flasker og andet godt af tilhængere af Ozzy Osbourne(heriblandt angiveligt datter Kelly), der krævede at se deres helt på scenen. Det fik forsanger Bruce Dickinsen til at komme med perfide bemærkninger om realityprogram-familien Osbourne, som svarede igen med pludselig at sørge for tekniske problemer med lydandlægget. Iron Maidens fans er ifølge 'MSNBC' nu ved at indsamle underskrifter i protest mod Sharon, som de i bedste heavy-metal stil gerne ser får nogle bøllebank.

Dette er som sagt en lille citat fra søndagsavisens bagside.....
27-08-2005 21:23

Debat: 95 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 09-08-2004

Ha ha fedt nok...
27-08-2005 23:06

Debat: 365 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 04-07-2005

sharon har forsøgt sig at forklare sig (fra

AUGUST 25, 2005

An open letter to Rod Smallwood (Manager: Iron Maiden; Chairman: Sanctuary Group)


I found your statement to be completely void of the facts that led up to Saturday's show. Your press release was written like an old time 80's manager, trying to use every opportunity to try and sell the record and the upcoming shows instead of just dealing with the truth.

These are the facts:

You claim to have been in the business for 30 years and have been to hundreds of gigs, but can you tell me how many times you have heard of an opening band talking sh*t about the headliner during their set and getting away with it? Not only is Ozzy the headliner, but he is also the man who is paying your band $185,000 a night. We gave Iron Maiden a chance to play to the biggest audiences they have ever played to in the U.S.A. We accommodated them with their stage set and at the band's request we even scoured the audience for people wearing Iron Maiden t-shirts and brought them down front during their set to make them feel more comfortable. Tell me, what other headliner would do that? Unfortunately those gestures were completely lost on Bruce Dickinson who for over 20 shows continually berated Ozzy and Ozzfest during his set.

Over the last 10 years of Ozzfest we have worked with over 200 bands. None of them were ever disrespectful to Ozzy or any of the other bands on the tour. But for 20 shows we were forced to hear Dickinson's nightly outbursts from the stage: "When we come back to America, we'll be back with a proper sound system?or "We won't be playing the same old songs every night (like Sabbath),?"We don't need a teleprompter (like Ozzy)" and "We don't need a reality show to be legit (again, like Ozzy)." Night after night we heard his complaints from the stage about how "corporate" the venues were and how "outrageous" the ticket prices were. Strangely enough, if you want to get a general admission ticket to stand in a field to see Iron Maiden at Reading this weekend it's going to cost you over $120. I would say that's very pricey, wouldn't you?

When an artist comes on stage and says he's not playing the 55 minutes that he was allotted and that he is going to play for as long as he wants (cutting into Sabbath's set), I'm not going to let that happen. Dickinson was under the delusion that the 46,000 people in San Bernardino had come only to see Iron Maiden. He even proclaimed "This is not the Ozzfest, This is Maidenfest." I guess no one told him that we have an audience of 45,000 to 53,000 people every year in San Bernardino.

Here's another fact for you. Bruce Dickinson's own band was embarrassed by him. Iron Maiden leader, Steve Harris, even came to Ozzy's dressing room to apologize to Ozzy for Bruce's behavior before Maiden took the stage in San Bernardino.

It's shameful that Dickinson felt he had the right to air his issues publicly onstage every night as a way to boost his own ego. Dickinson never once came up to Ozzy and me to voice any concerns. He certainly had the opportunity to do so every night. If he wasn't able to show us that courtesy then why should I give him the respect to air my grievances with him in private? Ozzy's only interaction with Dickinson was on the first night of the tour. Ozzy, being the true gentleman that he is, passed Bruce in the hall and said "Good luck and have a great show" Unfortunately Dickinson felt the need to turn his back to Ozzy and walked away. Frankly, Dickinson got what he deserved. We had to listen to his bullsh*t for five straight weeks. He only had to suffer a couple of eggs on the head.

On closing, yes, I did cut Iron Maiden's sound. This is the way I look at it: Ozzfest is our tour. We built it into something that's lasted 10 years now. We've been responsible for breaking many new bands and resurrecting the careers of former superstars. Part of our success stems from the fact that when a band is on Ozzfest we treat them with nothing but kindness and respect just as if we had invited them into our home. You can ask all of the bands who have been on the tour. They all describe it as the "ultimate summer camp." It's like one big family. Unfortunately Dickinson doesn't have the manners to realize that when you are invited into someone's home, are seated at their dinner table, are eating their food and drinking their wine, you shouldn't talk disrespectfully about them (Ozzy, Black Sabbath, and Ozzfest), otherwise you just might get your ass handed to you. Every action has a reaction. Was Dickinson so naïve to think that I was going to let him get away with talking sh*t about my family night after night? I don't think he realizes who he's dealing with. I will not endure behavior like this from anyone.

I know you would love to keep talking about this because this is the most press that Iron Maiden has had in the U.S. in twenty years, but let's move on, shall we?


The "Real" Iron Maiden
Sharon Osbourne

- tænkt at udstille sin egen dumhed så tydeligt.
28-08-2005 09:51

Debat: 355 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 15-10-2003

Bullshit siger jeg bare..Ozzy's fest hmm det ser sq mere ud som om at hun er bitter over at Maiden bare er størrere og bedre end Ozzy nogensinde blir og er enig med Bruce..Fuck reality shows det er det værste klam der er opfundet. Ville aldrig udstille mig selv for at blive kendt...No way

-Up the irons
28-08-2005 11:10

Debat: 289 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 07-12-2003

Jeg kan specielt godt lide den der "The "Real" Iron Maiden"... Hun har fandme højer tanker om sig selv!
28-08-2005 11:12

Debat: 355 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 15-10-2003

hmm kommer Kelly ikke snart til Danmark og give koncert..Vil sq gerne med, sammen med en kasse æg
28-08-2005 11:18
lasse bloch

Debat: 201 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 23-02-2003

Quote: Grenberg
hmm kommer Kelly ikke snart til Danmark og give koncert..Vil sq gerne med, sammen med en kasse æg

haha ja det kunne være ret fedt hehe.
28-08-2005 20:51

Debat: 325 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 26-02-2004

Har fulgt meget med i denne tråd - glad for at være blandt folk, som mener det samme som jeg.
Jeg er dybt rystet over den behandling. Skal det være prof. folk der arbejder omrking Ozzy ? Manden selv har vel knap været klar over, at Maiden skulle spille. Hans kone er trods alt en heks af første grad.
Dette gør mig kun endnu mere stolgt over at være Maiden-fan !!!!!! Og jeg er enig, det skaffer Maiden megen positiv omtale og sikkert endnu flere fans !!
29-08-2005 13:20

Debat: 308 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 4 indlæg
Medlem siden: 02-07-2004

Sharon kan bare ikke få nok.... det viser virkelig at hendes hjerne er et fatamogana...!!!

After her open letter to Maiden, Sharon Osbourne seems interested to drag the Ozzfest-Maiden story on for ages.

It is unknown if Sharon does that out of yet another marketing scheme planning or just out of her legendary, well-known and adressed stupidity.

Maiden, on the other hand, have decided to keep mum about the event in great British gentlemen's tradition.

Sharon Osbourne spoke exclusively to Kerrang! magazine (web site) last week regading IRON MAIDEN's final performance on this year's Ozzfest tour, during which she cut MAIDEN's power and arranged to have the band pelted with eggs and debris from the crowd. A couple of excerpts from the interview follow:

Kerrang!: Reading between the lines of [IRON MAIDEN manager] Rod Smallwood's statement, the unspoken suggestion is that you orchestrated this whole thing...

Sharon Osbourne: "Of course I did. I had the PA turned on and off. And look it's not hard for someone to walk into a diehard Ozzfest crowd and say, 'Who wants to throw an egg at a rock star?' Who wouldn't wanna do that? I went out and bought 50 eggs and me and my daughter had a fucking blast. C'mon, it's rock 'n' roll. No-one died. They'll be waiting a long fucking time for an apology from me."

Kerrang!: The most astonishing thing about all this is that the metal world has always had such camaraderie, such a "one for all, all for one" attitude...

Sharon Osbourne: "It has, right? But for some reason Bruce Dickinson [IRON MAIDEN singer] seemed to view it as a battle of the bands. He'd stand up on that stage and say that this wasn't the Ozzfest anymore, it was MAIDEN-fest. How fucking disrespectful is that? He's got such an '80s mentality. He's up there saying, 'Fuck MTV and fuck radio and you wouldn't catch IRON MAIDEN doing a reality show' and it's like, 'Hang on, you're a shareholder in Sanctuary, which is one of the biggest corporations in the music business.' He's never said a word about SABBATH either, only Ozzy, so it's personal [Maidenfans' note: yeah right, it is documented that Bruce never had a bad word against Ozzy, but only against corporate Ozzfest]. We've had 220 bands play this tour over the last 10 years and I've never felt the need to egg anyone."

Kerrang!: Up to this point you’re being painted as the "Wicked Witch" here, Sharon...

Sharon Osbourne: "I'm as nice as can be to people until they fuck with me and my family. I've always said that. I'm surprised that after everything that's been reported about how protective I am of my husband that anyone would even be shocked by this."

Kerrang!: Saying things like this could make this run and run...

Sharon Osbourne: "Not for me. We have Ozzfest shows to do so I'm not thinking about this anymore. Bruce Dickhead doesn't exist to me anymore."

Sharon Osbourne's entire interview with Kerrang! can be found in the magazine's latest issue, out on the stands tomorrow (August 31).

Dette her pisser mig af

Læs mere på
31-08-2005 08:23
wasted years
Debat: 1 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 28-09-2005

efter hav jeg har hørt er det sharon (møgso) som startede det hele og fik osbourn`s fans til at tro på at maiden havde svinet ozzy til... vi skal nok få hævn
28-09-2005 20:13
Michael Carlsen

Debat: 86 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 14-10-2003

Fuck Ozzy! Fuck Sharon! Fuck Kelly! Fuck Jack! Fuck Ozzfest!
Jeg ved godt, det er primitivt, men det er sande følelser...
03-10-2005 15:01

Debat: 101 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 2 indlæg
Medlem siden: 21-10-2005

Lad mig starte med at sige, at jeg er stor Iron Maiden fan (hvad skulle jeg ellers lave her) og har været det i over 15 år. Jeg synes, at Bruce Dickinson (BD) er en fantastisk og karismatisk forsanger. Men når det er sagt, vil jeg dog også sige, at BD har en arrogance, som desværre er almindelig blandt mange "gamle" folk fra metalscenen.
Jeg var ikke til stede ved Ozzfest, og jeg ved ikke, hvad der præcist skete. Men hvis det er rigtigt, at BD fra scenen har nedgjort Ozzy Osbourne og Ozzfest (hvor rigtigt det end måtte være!), så synes jeg personligt, at det er uprofessionelt af ham. Kan han ikke bare være tilfreds med at Iron Maiden er de bedste og så lade det blive ved det?

På den anden side synes jeg at Sharon Osbournes reaktion var barnagtig og dybt latterlig. Hun bør, som en af lederne bag Ozzfest, forholde sig professionelt til sådanne hændelser. Hun siger jo selv, at hun kun har et problem med BD og ikke med Iron Maiden som band. Man kan derfor spørge sig selv om, hvorfor hun lader det gå ud over hele bandet, når hun kun har problemer med ét medlem?
Umiddelbart virker dette som et sammenstød mellem to personer med (for) stort ego. Begge har, efter min mening, handlet utilstedeligt og barnligt på hver deres måde.
22-10-2005 16:08

Debat: 122 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 15-05-2006

er ikke helt så cool engelsk.

er der nogle der vil give mig et lille referat og hvad de sagde.
så vidt jeg har forstået er der blevet kastet med æg.

håber i vil hjælpe mig.
16-11-2006 16:16

Debat: 101 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 2 indlæg
Medlem siden: 21-10-2005

Quote: christoffer
er ikke helt så cool engelsk. er der nogle der vil give mig et lille referat og hvad de sagde. så vidt jeg har forstået er der blevet kastet med æg. håber i vil hjælpe mig.

Ja, det lader til, at der blev råbt og kastet med æg mod Iron Maiden under deres optræden på Ozzfest, og at dette blev gjort på foranledning af Sharon Osbourne. Hun var tilsyneladende utilfreds med udtalelser som Bruce Dickinson var kommet med fra scenen.
17-11-2006 00:48

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